Beginners Guide to the rift (Part 1)

The basics

How to win

There is one way to win league of legends, Destroy the enemy nexus.

nexus- blue To destroy the enemy’s nexus you have to be stronger then the enemy team, you become stronger by getting more gold and buying better items to get more attack damage, ability power, health, mama, armor or magic resist. There is a lot more stats to improve than these but they are the main ones.

The map in League of Legends is called summoners rift. It has 3 lanes; Top, middle and bottom.


There is 5 roles in the modern meta; Top lane, Jungle, Mid lane, ADC and Support. Each role has certain champions that are suited to that role, some roles such as Top lane, jungle and mid lane are flexible and have many overlapping champions. Other roles; ADC and support are more structured. They have set champion pools that do a specific job for the team.

ADC stands for Attack Damage Carry, they do physical damage to enemy champions, minions and turrets. Their auto attacks do lots of damage and they buy attack damage items. They are expected to ‘carry’ their team to victory. This means that the other members of their team try and keep them alive and the carry will do tonnes of damage to the enemy. The supports job to… well support their team. They buy wards which let you see a part of the map, they buy items that help the team like talisman of assention which gives you a small amount of gold every time your team kills a minion and when activated gives everyone around you a speed boost. A support keeps his carrys alive during teamfights. These two roles make up the bot lane.

Getting Gold

There is many ways to get gold during a game. You get a small amount of gold per second, But by cs-ing you get a lot more gold in a smaller period of time. Cs-ing is the name used for killing creep/minions to get gold, it is also called farming. You get gold off a creep by getting the killing blow or last hit. It is one of the most important aspects in the game and a good cs can keep you in a game that you are loosing in kills. Cs stands for creep score.

minion wave

The next way is by killing enemy champions. Once a champions health reaches 0 they die, when a champion dies whoever killed them gets gold. The base gold for a kill is 300 gold, but if a champion has a lot of kills they can be worth more and if they have a lot of deaths they can be worth less.

The last way to get gold is by destroying objectives, each side of the map has turrets, 2 lane turrets, 3 inhibitors, 3 inhibitor turrets, 2 nexus turrets and a nexus. When you destroy these objectives you get gold for you entire team.



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